Connect data to Tableau

Data is often scattered across databases and highly-customized toolchains, so it's easy to miss key information. But when you're on the line to make fast, accurate decisions, you need all your data resources at your fingertips, whether they live in your team drive, database, or email inbox. + Tableau helps you collect, understand, and immediately use all of your assets to create stronger, more informed analysis. Augment it with open data from leading resources like the U.S. Census. Then, build your dashboards and data visualizations in Tableau. You can share snapshots and interactive insights right alongside the data for others in your team to use. automatically keeps your dashboards and data in sync, making storytelling with data even easier.

Get started integrating Tableau with in a few easy steps

  • Open Tableau.
  • Select the Web Data Connector option under Connect > To a Server.
  • In the window that opens, enter for the web data connector URL and press Enter. This will open the web data connector.
  • You’re ready to start visualizing your data to get key insights.

Get more value from your visualizations.

Streamline your data. Collaborate with your team. Get work done fast.

  • Query and visualize across multiple filetypes. Enhance your analysis by pulling together stats from multiple datasets. Explore even complex data in seconds.
  • Bring your team into the picture easily. Start discussions, work together on the same projects, and discover new perspectives.

  • Get started without any obstacles. You and your colleagues can start answering your data-related questions without needing IT's help.