White paper

How Linked Data creates data-driven cultures (in business and beyond)

By 2020 there will be 300 times more information worldwide than we had in 2005.- IBM

Think you know what a data-driven company really looks like? The practices and technologies that make it different?

Prepare for a new understanding of what’s possible. Linked Data changes everything—and it’s finally within reach for mainstream businesses.

Despite the rising popularity of data-driven technologies, studies show that nowadays less than 10% of data is used effectively by organizations.- Semantic Web Company

What is your company doing with the other 90%? Linked Data could help you quickly shrink the gap, and the barriers that prevented its widespread use are disappearing. 

Claim first-mover advantage on Linked Data in your industry. Download the new white paper from data.world to learn...

  • Why companies should adopt Linked Data now
  • What a truly Linked-Data-driven company looks like
  • How to get started


About data.world

data.world believes meaningful data work happens when all stakeholders can contribute. The platform helps your team collaborate better by connecting your organization’s domain experts, decision makers, and data professionals within a shared, productive environment designed specifically for modern data teamwork. data.world is a Public Benefit Corporation headquartered in Austin, Texas. Visit data.world and follow @datadotworldfacebook.com/datadotworld, and linkedin.com/company/data.world for more information.

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